Microsoft Access VBA Training Course Outline

1-day course

Microsoft Access Training CoursesCourse Aims
This content has been designed for a one day classroom course. On course completion, students will be able to:
Identify components of and plan an application.
Automate the application interface, automate dialog boxes, use Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code elements, and automate navigation across forms.
Create Switchboard forms and create and automate Splash Screen forms.
Create macro groups, custom toolbars, menu bars, shortcut menus, and set the startup properties for toolbars and menus.
Use different VBA programming elements, work with modules, and create procedures in modules.
Use control and loop structures in VBA code, handle events by automating controls on forms, trap and resolve errors in code, add Web browser controls to forms, and work with MDE files

This course will help students to become proficient database application developers by using the features of Microsoft Access and Visual Basic for Applications. This course is currently under development - please contact us for availability.